BOB THOMSEN Sheltered by a stand of evergreens close to the yard, this feeding station is popular spot for bison when it gets really cold. A close-up photo is best taken through the truck windshield. Bison processed by Steinbach butcher Continued from page 2C
But joining the Co-op is an expensive prop- osition, unaffordable by a part-time producer like Thomsen. He would have to be a school teacher, not a school bus driver to afford it, Bi- son Bob chuckles. On the other hand, the Dugald producer ships his animals to slaughter two at a time and markets the meat locally. Earl’s Meats in Steinbach processes the bi- son carcasses for Bison Bob, which are deliv- ered by refrigerated truck from a killing plant in Beausejour. The whole carcasses are cut into steaks, roasts and ribs and a portion is processed as value-added bison meat products. Steaks and roasts are aged at Earl’s, and packaged and de- livered to Bison Bob who takes care of his own marketing. Earl Funk says bison patties are seasoned with Sals Steakhouse seasoning while jalape- no/cheese and regular smokies are created as well. Bison farmer sausage is made, using Earl’s recipe, as are bison sticks, which are much like Earl’s pepperettes. Funk says the bison from Thomsen are usu- ally about 450 pounds apiece and are very easy to cut. “Bob does a great job of raising them and his is a good product. Occasionally, I will buy a quarter myself to sell in my store.” Whenever Bison Bob’s stock of bison meat begins to dwindle, Earl’s Meats will get a call to schedule the processing of another two an- imals. He handles about eight to 10 animals a year for Thomsen, Funk says. The latest batch of bison meats available from Bison Bob was fresh from the proces- sor the last week in March, ready for another round of internet sales. Thomsen counts on farm gate sales through word-of-mouth sales and his Facebook page on social media. Customers pick up their orders at the farm and every Wednesday during the summer months Bison Bob can be found at a farmers market at the West Broadway Community club in Winnipeg.
Thomsen’s most expensive piece of equipment is the “bison squeeze” used for ear tagging bison before they leave the yard.
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